Sunday, 25 January 2015

Link Voter Id Card With Aadhaar Card

Link Voter Id Card With Aadhaar Card, voter list, voter id list, ap voter list, ts voter list, voter registration, online voter registration, voter id registration, voting list, voter id search, voter id registration, apply for voter id card online, aadhaar seeding with epic card, link aadhaar card to voter id

Link Voter Id Card With Aadhaar Card

How to Link Voter Id With Aadhaar?

Linking Voter Id With Aadhaar in the electoral roll database is to find out the dual registrations and to take measures to correct.

Link Voter Id With Aadhaar Through Call Center:

Contact: 1950 between working hours 10 AM - 5 PM and provide EPIC (Voter Id) number and Aadhaar Card number to the call center operator.

Link Voter Id With Aadhaar Through SMS:

Send SMS to 08790499899 in the following format SEEDEPIC (type EPIC No. here) (type Aadhaar Card No. here) and send.

Link Voter Id With Aadhaar Through Mobile Banking:

Download mobile App from the website of Chief Electoral Officer or link using mobile App Android and ioS.

Link Voter Id With Aadhaar Online:

Voters can link Voter Id No. with Aadhaar Card No. online through the below official website and will receive OTP - One Time Password on the mobile number.

Vote is your right, enroll as a Voter and get Voter Id Card as it helps you and it will be used as Photo ID proof of Residence, applying for PAN Card, driving license, mobile connections, admissions in educational institutions etc.

Facilities available on the below website:

Apply Online For Voter Id for Andhra Pradesh: C l i c k H e r e

Apply Online For Voter Id for Telangana: C l i c k H e r e

1. Search Your Name in the Voter List.

2. Know Your Polling Station

3. Know Your Booth Level Officer

4. Voter Id Online enrollment, Modify, Delete and Change of Address.

5. Know Your Status of Online Application Form 6, 7, 8 and 8A

6. Know e-seva and mee seva center

7. See/ Print PDF electoral rolls

8. See Affidavits filed by sitting MLAs/ MPs/ MLCs

9. See List of Elected Candidates sitting MLAs/ MPs/ MLCs

10. See Student's enrollment instructions

11. Apply for enrollment of Overseas Electors (NRIs)

Link Voter Id Card With Aadhaar Card, voter list, voter id list, ap voter list, ts voter list, voter registration, online voter registration, voter id registration, voting list, voter id search, voter id registration, apply for voter id card online, aadhaar seeding with epic card, link aadhaar card to voter id


  1. I have to link my aadhar card to my Voter ID Card as you mentioned in post followed all steps but didn't get success. Why?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I followed instructions as you mentioned but i failed to link my voter id card with aadhaar card can you please help me.

  4. What is EPIC no is is voter Id no?

    1. epic id means your voter id i.e.NJX.......

    2. Epic no is your voter card number

  5. what to do with one time pasword

  6. what to do with one time pasword

  7. What is EPIC no is is voter Id no?
    reply me fast

    1. EPIC no = Voter ID number
      UID = AADHAAR Card Number

  8. I have tried many times but rplying epic wrong

  9. What we have to do with my One Time Password.

  10. I will try it many times OTP is not received

  11. I will try it many times OTP is not received

  12. Indian residents belonging to any state can link aadhaar card to voter id online. Great service by Indian Government.

  13. this is not a good service many more time tried but failed. waste of our time

  14. Nice service Indian government service

  15. Sir,
    i want to link EPIC no with ADHAR no But it comes that EPIC no is wrong
    My EPIC...PB/13/093/156301 AND ADHAR.. 823835045269

  16. All the districts mentioned in the link belong to Andhra Pradesh, with the result when I enter my EPIC No, and submit, it does not get registered and display 'VALID EPIC NO', as I stay in Tamil Nadu. Your services are excellent; but please provide the link for all india. Thank you

  17. Replies
    1. EPIC no = Voter ID number
      UID = AADHAAR Card Number

  18. Replies
    1. EPIC no = Voter ID number
      UID = AADHAAR Card Number

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Great!! Voter Id card is considered to be one of the most important document in India.

  21. I tried to link my adhaar no with voter card. But give error that adhar no is already associated under process. I tried it first time. How to proceed further

  22. I have linked successfully my Aadhaar Card and Election Card but I don't know about how can check that link process plz any Idea.
    Devendra Shinde

  23. VOTER ID XBX0647636
    UID NO 6133 5295 4869

  24. Good information and well writing. Please provide particular site for thisGroup coaching centers
