Saturday, 3 January 2015

PG Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture (PGDTMA)

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PG Diploma in Technology Management in Agriculture (PGDTMA)
PG Diploma In Technology Management In Agriculture (PGD-TMA) is a one year distance learning programme offered by National Academy of Agricultural Research Management and University of Hyderabad.

Good opportunity to study and advance your career with distance education in agriculture technology management

PGDTMA is specially designed to cater to the needs of building a strong IP portfolio along with efficient technology management, diffusion and commercialization skills in agriculture and related industries.

PGDTMA offers excellent opportunity for systematically study subject of technology management in agriculture along with intricacies of building and managing intellectual property, incubation issues and subsequent start ups.

PGDTMA - a skill development endeavor programme will be covered during two semesters with six courses theory and one course of project work.


PG in Agriculture/ Social Sciences/ Physical Sciences/ Management/ Life Sciences/ Engineering/ Law OR

Graduate in Agricultural Sciences/ Social Sciences/ Physical Sciences/ Management/ Life Sciences/ Engineering/ Law with two years of work experience.

Last Date For Submitting Completed Application: 31st January, 2015.

For complete information visit the official website C l i c k H e r e


National Academy of Agricultural Research Management

Ph: 040-24581429; 040-24581301


pg diploma in technology management in agriculture (pgd-tma), pgdtma, pg diploma in technology management in agriculture, post graduate diploma in technology management in agriculture, pgd-tma naarm, pgdtma 2015, pg diploma in technology management in agriculture (pgd-tma) 2015

1 comment:

  1. Distance education system is helpful for people who are working in different jobs. They can enhance their skills and education for a better career option. Today most of the universities offer distance education diploma and degree in various subjects.
    Event Management Institutes
