Sunday, 2 August 2015

Telangana Public Service Commission Syllabus

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The TS Government has finalised the exam scheme for Government jobs to be notified by TSPSC. For Group-1 and Group-2 post additional paper about the Telangana movement and State formation added to the scheme of examination covering three sub topics. a) The Idea of Telangana (1948-1970) b) Mobilisation phase (1971-1990) and c) Towards formation of Telangana State (1991-2014).


General studies and mental ability - Objective type
Written examination - Main
General English - Qualifying  Test

PAPER-I - General Essay

1. Contemporary social issues and social problems
2. Issues of economic growth and justice
3. Dynamics of Indian politics
4. Historical and cultural heritage of India
5. Developments in science and technology
6. Education and human resource development.

PAPER-II - History, Culture and Georgraphy

1. History and culture of India, with special reference to modern period (1757-1947 A.D.)
2. History and cultural heritage of Telangana.
3. Geography of India and Telangana.

PAPER-III - Indian Society, Constitution and Governance

1. Indian society, structure, issues and social movements.
2. Constitution of India.
3. Governance.

PAPER-IV - Economy and Development

1. Indian economy and dvelopment
2. Telangana economy
3. Development and enivronmental problems.

PAPER-V - Science & Technology and Data Interpretation

1. The role and impact of science and technology.
2. Modern trends in application of knowledge of science.
3. Data interpretation and problem solving.

PAPER-VI - Telangana movement and State formation

1. The ideal of Telangana (1948-1970)
2. Mobilisational phase (1971-1990)
3. Towards formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)

PART-B - Interview

GROUP-2 - Written Examination - objective type

General studies and General abilities

PAPER-II - History Polity and Society

1. Socio-cultural history of Telangana and formation of Telangana State.
2. Overview of the Indian Constitution and politics.
3. Social structure, issues and public policies.

PAPER-III - Economy and Development

1. Indian economy: Issues and challenges
2. Economy and development of Telangana.
3. Issues of development and change.

PAPER-IV - Telangana Movement and State Formation

1. The idea of Telangana (1948-1970)
2. Mobilisational phase (1971-1990)
3. Towards formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)

PAPER-B - Interview

TSPSC Official website click here

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  1. Majority pf the people were waiting for this moment and finally telangana government issued the australian assignment help syllabus for those students who have applied for the jobs in government sector.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for news ABOUT Tspsc Jobs SYLLABUS

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