Saturday, 11 July 2015

Give It Up LPG Subsidy

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Government has launched ‘#GiveItUp’ lpg subsidy campaign aimed at motivating all the LPG users who can afford to pay the market price for LPG to voluntarily surrender their LPG subsidy.

LPG consumers who can afford to pay market price for LPG supply to be part of this nation building exercise by giving up LPG subsidy.

We would like you to join the movement and #GiveItUp for brighter future and appreciate your gesture. The subsidy saved can be used for development activities benefiting all the citizens.

Let's give up the LPG subsidy and help light flame in poor man's kitchen and feel the joy of giving.

If you give it up atleast one below poverty line family will get the LPG connection and BPL house lady will get the kitchen comfort.

How to Give It UP - LPG Subsidy 

We have four options to Give It Up - LPG Subsidy. They are given below:-

1. You can Give It Up - LPG Subsidy by visiting official website online  ->  ->

Click on your LPG Provider HP/ Bharat Gas/ Indane

Enter consumer number and distributor name to get your LPG ID which is 17 digit number.

Enter Your Lpg Id

Click Submit

2. You can Give It Up - LPG Subsidy by sending SMS.

. SMS - GIVEITUP 7738299899 - Bharat Gas

.  SMS - GIVEITUP 9766899899 - HP Gas

.  SMS - GIVEITUP 8130792899 - Indane Gas

3. Mobile App

From Google play store download mobile app of your provider HP Gas/ Bharat Gas/ Indane Gas

4. Form Filling

Visit the LPG distributor and fill the forms for giving up subsidy.

lpg subsidy, lpg subsidy give up, lpg give it up, give it up, Give It Up - LPG Subsidy, give it up lpg subsidy, give it up subsidy, give it up campaign, giveitup lpg subsidy online, lpg dbtl, hp gas, bharat gas, indane gas, Give It Up LPG Subsidy

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