Aadhaar Enrollments Online Booking of Appointment, Appointment for Aadhaar Enrolment, online aadhaar card enrolment, online booking of aadhaar appointment, cancel aadhaar appointment online, re-schedule aadhaar appointment online
Aadhaar enrollments online booking of appointment is free. You can register at authorized centers any where in India if you have valid identity and address proof. Register for aadhaar only once and at any time at your convenience.
Please fill the online form accurately to book aadhaar appointment online. Below details are mandatorily required.
Name: Type your name. Example: Mr. X
Mobile Number: Type 10 digits number xxxxxxxxxx
E-mail id: Provide valid email id.
No of Persons: Provide count 1
Select Enrolment Centre:
State/UT: Select State name from the dropdown box
District/City: Select city name as per the State from the dropdown box
Locality/Area: Select Area as per the City from the dropdown box
Enrolment Centre: Select centre address as per the Area from the dropdown box
Select Date and Time for Appointment
Date: Calender will be displayed once click on Date tab, select date
Time: Select time from the dropdown box
Verification Code: Captcha code image is displayed just key in the box provided and Hit on Fix Appointment and you will see the appointment details and Token Id.
You also have the option to Re-schedule or cancel aadhaar appointment online.
Token ID: Enter Token Id in the box
Mobile No: Enter 10 digits valid mobile number
You will have two choice as below go ahead and click on appropriate tab.
Re-Schedule Cancel Appointment
If you need enquiry or have any questions
Aadhaar Contact Centre
Call: 1800 300 1947
SMS: 51969
Fax: 080 2353 1947
email: help@uidai.gov.in
Address: PO BOX 1947, GPO Bangalore - 560001
Aadhaar Enrollments Online Booking of Appointment, Appointment for Aadhaar Enrolment, online aadhaar card enrolment, online booking of aadhaar appointment, cancel aadhaar appointment online, re-schedule aadhaar appointment online
Aadhaar enrollments online booking of appointment is free. You can register at authorized centers any where in India if you have valid identity and address proof. Register for aadhaar only once and at any time at your convenience.
For Aadhaar Enrollments Online Booking of Appointment Click H e r e
Please fill the online form accurately to book aadhaar appointment online. Below details are mandatorily required.
Name: Type your name. Example: Mr. X
Mobile Number: Type 10 digits number xxxxxxxxxx
E-mail id: Provide valid email id.
No of Persons: Provide count 1
Select Enrolment Centre:
State/UT: Select State name from the dropdown box
District/City: Select city name as per the State from the dropdown box
Locality/Area: Select Area as per the City from the dropdown box
Enrolment Centre: Select centre address as per the Area from the dropdown box
Select Date and Time for Appointment
Date: Calender will be displayed once click on Date tab, select date
Time: Select time from the dropdown box
Verification Code: Captcha code image is displayed just key in the box provided and Hit on Fix Appointment and you will see the appointment details and Token Id.
You also have the option to Re-schedule or cancel aadhaar appointment online.
Token ID: Enter Token Id in the box
Mobile No: Enter 10 digits valid mobile number
You will have two choice as below go ahead and click on appropriate tab.
Re-Schedule Cancel Appointment
If you need enquiry or have any questions
Aadhaar Contact Centre
Call: 1800 300 1947
SMS: 51969
Fax: 080 2353 1947
email: help@uidai.gov.in
Address: PO BOX 1947, GPO Bangalore - 560001
Aadhaar Enrollments Online Booking of Appointment, Appointment for Aadhaar Enrolment, online aadhaar card enrolment, online booking of aadhaar appointment, cancel aadhaar appointment online, re-schedule aadhaar appointment online
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