Sunday, 23 September 2018

Voter Id Card Online Details

Voter Id Card Online Details, voter id, voter id status, voter registration, voter id card, voter id card online, apply for voter id card

How to apply for Voter Id Card Online

Application for including of Name in Electoral Roll for First time Voter OR on Shifting from One Constituency to Another Constituency.

Go to website: to apply for voter id card online and fill the form.

Fill Mandatory Particulars of applicant
Fill Current address of applicant
Fill Permanent address of applicant
Fill if you want Optional Particulars
Fill the declaration of applicant

Supporting Documents below have to be uploaded online

Passport size Photograph
Age Proof document
Address Proof document

Enroll as a voter if you are an Indian citizen, attained the age of 18 years on the qualifying date 1st of January of the year of revision of electoral roll.

Form 6 is used to include the name in the voter list or electoral list.

Form 6A is used to include the name of an NRI.

Form 7 is used to raise any objection on inculsion name

Form 8 is used to rectify information in the voter list

Form 8A is used to transpose the entry of the voter.

Apply online - Registration of new voter due to shifting from Assembly Constituency.

Apply online - Registration of overseas voter

Apply online - Deletion/objection in electoral roll

Apply online - Correction of entries in electoral roll

Apply online - Transposition within Assembly

Track online - Track application status

Search online - Search name in electoral roll

Search online - Booth, AC and PC

Search online - BLO, ERO and DEO


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