Sunday, 20 March 2016


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The State Board of Technical Education and Training, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh will conduct Polytechnic Common Entrance Test for candidates seeking admission in all Diploma Courses in engineering and Non-Engineering/ Technology offered
@ polytechnics institutions for the academic year 2016-2017.

Eligibility criteria:

SSC passed candidates from Board of Secondary Education, Hyderabad, AP are eligible.
Compartmentally passed or appearing for SSC candidates can also apply; must have passed in all subjects before seeking admission.

Important Dates for AP Polycet 2016.
Online application filing start date 18-3-2016
Online application filing last date 12-04-2016
Polycet AP 2016 exam date 27-04-2016; Time 11AM - 1 PM

For complete information visit website

Apply online for Polycet @

polycet notification, polycet 2016, polycet 2016 notification, polytechnic common entrance test, polytechnic common entrance test-polycet-2016

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