Sunday, 27 December 2015

AP Entrance Exams Schedule

AP Common Entrance Test, AP Entrance Exams Schedule, AP Entrance Exams Schedule 2016, common entrance test 2016, ap common entrance test, ap eamcet 2016, ap icet 2016, ap lawcet 2016, ap ecet 2016, ap pecet 2016, ap edcet 2016, ap pgecet 2016, ap pg lawcet 2016, Andhra Pradesh EAMCET, ECET, ICET, EDCET, PGECET, LAWCET, PGLCET and PECET common entrance test

The Andhra Pradesh Government announced the schedule  for Common Entrance Test Schedule (CET 2016) for admissions in professional courses for the year 2016-2017.

The Common Entrance Test (CET) schedule is given below:

AP EAMCET 2016 - 29 April 2016

AP ECET - 9TH MAY, 2016

AP PECET - 9TH MAY, 2016

AP ICET - 16TH MAY, 2016

AP EdCET - 23RD MAY, 2016

AP PGECET - 26TH MAY, 2016

AP LAWCET - 28TH MAY, 2016


AP Common Entrance Test, AP Entrance Exams Schedule, AP Entrance Exams Schedule 2016, common entrance test 2016, ap common entrance test, ap eamcet 2016, ap icet 2016, ap lawcet 2016, ap ecet 2016, ap pecet 2016, ap edcet 2016, ap pgecet 2016, ap pg lawcet 2016, Andhra Pradesh EAMCET, ECET, ICET, EDCET, PGECET, LAWCET, PGLCET and PECET common entrance test

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