Sunday, 9 June 2019

Update Aadhaar Address Online

Update Aadhaar Address Online, aadhaar card, aadhaar card address update, online address update, Address Validation Letter, aadhaar Address Validation Letter

Aadhaar card address can be updated online if valid Address document is available and your mobile number is already registered. If your mobile number with Aadhaar is registered, enter your Aadhaar Number to get an OTP to registered mobile. You are required to fill the complete address and upload supporting Proof of Address document.
For reference and tracking make note of Update Request Number.
Download, Print Acknowledgement copy. 

Update Aadhaar Address Online here

Below is the list of documents for address update.

·         Passport
·         Bank Statement or Passbook
·         Post Office Account Passbook
·         Ration Card
·         Voter ID
·         Driving License
·         Government Photo ID cards, service photo identity card issued by PSU
·         Electricity Bill
·         Water bill
·         Telephone Landline Bill
·         Property Tax Receipt
·         Credit Card Statement
·         Insurance Policy
·         Signed Letter having Photo from Bank on letterhead
·         Signed Letter having Photo issued by registered Company on letterhead
·         Signed Letter having Photo issued by Recognized Educational Instiution on letterhead
·         NREGS Job Card
·         Arms License
·         Pensioner Card
·         Freedom Fighter Card
·         Kissan Passbook
·         CGHS / ECHS Card
·         Certificate of Address having photo issued by MP or MLA or Gazetted Officer or Tehsildar on letterhead
·         Certificate of Address issued by Village Panchayat head or its equivalent authority (for rural areas)
·         Income Tax Assessment Order
·         Vehicle Registration Certificate
·         Registered Sale, Lease,  Rent Agreement
·         Gas Connection Bill
·         Passport of Parents(in case of Minor)
·         Allotment letter of accommodation issued by Central/State Govt. of not more than three years old

·         Marriage Certificate issued by the Government, containing address.

If you don't have valid Address document you can request for address validation letter.  You can update address in Aadhaar with the consent and authentication of the address verifier who is willing to let you use their address as proof. Address will be validated by sending address validation letter containing a secret code on the address of Address Verifier. Resident and Address Verifier are required to have their mobile registered, updated in Aadhaar. Both are required to be in sync and in agreement while the Request for Address Validation Letter is still in process.

Aadhaar Address Validation Letter Request
Details for Address update thru Validation Letter
Resident Initiates Request
Address Verifier Consents
Resident Submits Request
Use Secret Code to complete

Check Aadhaar Address Update Status

You can check status of online address update request using URN.
You can check status of your Address Validation Letter request by using SRN.

Toll Free: 1947

Update Aadhaar Address Online, aadhaar card, aadhaar card address update, online address update, Address Validation Letter, aadhaar Address Validation Letter

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Overseas Voters

Application for inclusion of name in Electoral Roll by an overseas Indian elector, Overseas Voters, NRI voter registration, voter id card online

Application for inclusion of name in Electoral Roll by an overseas Indian elector

A citizen of India, absent from the country owing to employment, education etc, not acquired citizenship of any other country are known as Overseas Voters and are eligible to be registered as a voter in the address mentioned as per Indian passport.

Documents Required:

one passport size color photo

Self attested photocopies of the relevant pages of the passport containing photograph, address in India and all other

The page of passport containing the valid visa endorsement.

If the application is sent by post, the photo copy of each of the documents referred to above, should be duly self attested.
Alternatively you can fill the form in person at the Electoral Registration Officer/Assistant ERO of the constituency. If application submitted in person before the ERO, the original passport should be produced for verification

Booth Level Officer will visit the home address mentioned in your passport and enquire to verify the copies of documents

In cases where no relative is available or willing to give declaration for verification of documents, the documents will be sent for verification to the concerned Indian Mission
Decision of the ERO will be communicated to you by post on the address and SMS on the mobile number given in Form 6A.

Electoral rolls are also on the website of the Chief Electoral Officer

Name of overseas elector is included in a separate section for “Overseas Electors” which is the last section of the roll of each polling station area

Apply for voter id card online; Fill Form 6A online at and upload the documents.